Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The best pancake recipe

2 Eggs
90 grams Flour 000 /2.88 Oz.
250 cc Milk
2 tsp. Melted butter
50 grams Sugar/1.6 Oz.
½ tsp. Baking soda

All the ingredients are mixed without lumps. Allow to rest in refrigerator at least an hour. Then, a little melted butter on pancake (only the first pancake) and goes pulling the preparation with a ladle, covering the entire surface of the pan. When one side is golden turns and they are stacked on a plate.

Can be made sweet or salty.

Luch box ideas for choices

Food enters through the eye but It is important variety of colors, shapes and textures in the dishes. 

The colors of the different foods are often determined by the nutrients they possess. More colorful your plate is the more variety of nutrients have the food.

Some options:
1 - Sandwich meat , chicken or tuna with salad or vegetable.
2 - Vegetable or potato tortilla.
3 - Rice salad, tuna and vegetables or rice with diced cheese.
4 - Fusilier with tricolor light tomato sauce and grated cheese.
5 - chicken wings or vegetable with garden salad 
6 - Vegetable Fajitas with chicken or beef.
7 - Sausages with mashed pumpkin and spinach.
8 - Salad with pasta and fresh vegetables.
9 - Rice with bits of cheese , peppers , tomatoes.
10 - Vegetable Pizza.

Monday, November 18, 2013

3 zucchini
1 onion chopped
1 red pepper (yellow or green)
2 cloves of garlic
3 tbsp Parmesan cheese
2 eggs
3 tbsp olive oil
Oregano, salt, ground nutmeg


  • Wash and brush the zucchini and cut into cubes. Next steam or boil the zucchini.
  • Saute the onion, pepper and garlic, oregano, salt and ground nutmeg in the oil. 
  • Finally, beat the eggs and add along with the zucchini and onions and parmesan cheese. 
  • Cook for a few minutes until the eggs coagulate. Remove to taste.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Chicken Milanesa

3-4 boneless chicken breasts (mine were large, so 3 was plenty cut up into strips)
2 cups Panko bread crumbs
Italian seasoning, to taste
2 eggs
Oregano, parsley
1/2 tbsp. salt
Olive oil 

  • Pour oil to cover the bottom of your skillet and set on medium-high heat.
  • Pour egg, oregano,  parsley, salt  in a bowl. and mix.  Mix bread crumbs, cheese and seasonings in a shallow bowl.
  • Dip chicken in the minded and then coat in the bread crumbs, and place in pre-heated skillet.
  • Turn halfway through cooking. Cook until no longer pink in the middle.

Note: We can do the same steps but with meat, chicken or zucchini or eggplant also

Monday, November 11, 2013

Healthy Veggie Tortilla

1 tbsp. cloves finely chopped garlic
1/2 cup sliced assorted fresh vegetables, such as zucchini, onions and red peppers and carrot
1 tbsp. organ
1 tbsp. flower
1 tbsp. baking powder
1/2 tbsp. salt
Some Parmesan cheese 
6 eggs
1 tbsp. olive oil 

  • To start with the Tortilla, heat olive oil over medium heat in a medium iron skilled or heavy saucepan
  • Add cloves, onion and vegetables
  • Saute until cloves, onion and veggies is tender, approximately 5 minutes. Wait for it to warm
  • Mix in the bowl veggies, eggs, organ, flower, baking powder, salt, little cheese
  • Again heat olive oil over medium heat in a large iron skilled or heavy saucepan
  • cover and cook on low for about 10 minutes 
  • flit it over and cook the other side, and Done! :) 
Note: Another option is to add 2 tbsp. Shio-Kombu (salted kelp)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

What I need to know to add algae in the food

The algae live in fresh or salt water, tree trunks, rocks, deserts and even snow surfaces and hot springs, but more importantly, rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.Is difference according to the coloration of their stems and are green, red or brown. we suggest five algae that you can be include in your diet. 

Shio-Kombu (salted kelp) benefits: Also called kelp, broke with the boom of Japanese cuisine, as it is one of the three essential elements for the development of dashi or broth base. It is rich in glutamic acidcell, iodine and soluble fiber. Prepared:  She gets dried. Just because it is used a lot in the cooking enlarges. It can submerge first in cold water and cook until the water boil. If it gets when cooking vegetables makes a chemical that removes the gas containing same and improve digestion. Also serves to fortify rice, because it has many minerals. If you consume one gram daily of this alga, have the sufficient iodine to ensure the balance of the endocrine glands.

Chlorel benefits: 
Strengthens the immune system, accelerates the healing process of wounds, injuries and ulcers, protects and normalizes the digestive process and bowel function, promotes growth and tissue repair, among other benefits. Has a high protein content (about 60% of its dry weight) and is rich in chlorophyll, carotene, iron, zinc, phosphorus and vitamins B1, B2 and B3. It nutritive and cleansing for the body because it helps cleanse the body of toxins and heavy metals.Prepared: It is sold in powder, tablet or liquid. But it has low digestibility.

Espirulina benefits: It's an important source of essential amino acids that the body does not produce and is known for its protein content. Contains omega 6 and 3, vitamins and minerals, and is a great ally of vegetarians for their supply of vitamin B12-nutrient animal kingdom. Its consumption helps lower blood lipids and glucose, lower blood pressure and improve, for example, attention deficit disorders and hyperactivity. It also helps the symptoms of severe premenstrual syndrome. Prepared: Comes in capsules or powder, ideally consume before meals. Can also be used in juices or smoothies, mix it in the salad vinaigrette.

Nori benefits: It's used to wrap sushi rolls. A source of soluble fiber, vitamin B12, lignans (antioxidants), iodine, calcium, carotenes, and has low energy input. Cholesterol lowering consumption and facilitates the removal of toxins, while improving blood fluidity and fight fatigue. It is very rich in protein and folic acid, with only five grams covered the recommended dose of this nutrient. Prepared: As is perishable and decays rapidly, often marketed dry, dehydrated or canned. It can be split into small pieces and add it to salads, rice and soups. Also, like a leaf, you can make a cone and fill with vegetables, rice and a touch of soy sauce. By having a need to use concentrated flavor in small amounts.  

Agar-agar benefits: Its nutritional value is relatively poor, but their composition is 80% fiber. It can also function as an excellent natural laxative. Prepared: replace animal gelatin, and also when preparing desserts for its thickening effect, preservative and clearer. Is a powder and is similar to traditional gelatin or whitish semitransparent strips that are soaked in warm water to gel. 

Wakame benefits: It is widely used in Japanese cuisine for preparing salads and soups. Your protein intake is low, but is rich in fiber, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, folic acid and carotenoids. You are sheets and its flavor is mild. Prepared: eaten raw, boiled or baked, and then you can add it to moisturize salads, dressings, sauteed vegetables and fillings.It is an ideal choice for those who want to try seaweed for the first time.

Chimichurri Souce - English and Spanish


• 3 tbsp dried oregano

• 3 tbsp Dried parsley 

• 1 tbsp ground pepper

• 2 cloves garlic or 1 tablespoon dried

• Hot water 

•  1/2 tsp Salt 

•  4 tbsp White vinegar 

• Oil 

  1. Place the oregano, parsley, red pepper, dehydrated garlic in a bowl
  2. Add hot water to cover for moisturizing
  3. Add salt, white vinegar and oil
  4. Store covered in refrigerator seven days

• Orégano deshidratado 3 cdas

• Perejil deshidratado 3 cdas

• Ají molido 1 cda

• 2 dientes de ajo o 1 cda deshidratado 

• Agua caliente c/n

• Sal 1/2 cda

• Vinagre blanco 4 cdas

• Aceite 200 cc

  1. Colocar el orégano, el perejil, el ají molido, el ajo deshidratado en un recipiente
  2. Agregar agua caliente hasta cubrir para hidratar
  3. Agregar la sal, el vinagre blanco y el aceite
  4. Conservar tapado 7 días en heladera

Let's talk about vegetables

All vegetables are an excellent company for any dish. Some of my suggestions are:

  • all vegetables can be steamed, more in summer
  • in winter we can grill with any cream and season with nutmeg, sauteed onions, oregano and basil
  • can prove glaze vegetables with sugar or honey to accompany meat, chicken, fish, rice, tofu or seitan.

Milanese of Seitan

  • 1 slice of seitan per person
  • garlic and parsley chopped 
  • oregano
  • soy sauce diluted with 
  • whole wheat flour
  • sunflower oil or olive oil
  • Cut the seitan into slices (not too thin) and marinate for an hour in a bowl with garlic and parsley, oregano and soy sauce in water lowered.
  • To finish pass then slices for whole wheat flour and fry in hot oil.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

How can you use Textured Vegetable Protein - TVP

I write this post some because Textured Vegetable Protein or TVP is a great option to replace meat, chicken or fish. The TVP has a texture similar to ground beef. 

And also is very easy to prepared only you need to immerse in warm water 10 to 15 minutes. When you are sufficiently hydrated, drain squeezing it with your hands. 

And next you is ready to prepared dishes such as meatballs or burgers, cannelloni or lasagna, etc. There are many foods that can be prepared and experiment with the TVD hope you like the tip! 

The Food and Energy / From Oriental medicine

When Yang is considered contracted, warm and bright, the yin to the contrary is considered expansive, cold and dark.

Energy is the resource that humans consume, transform and continuously transmitted . It is difficult to accept the world as energy because we have lost touch with the rhythms of nature.

Health is the result of balance between our internal and external environment, and mental activity, physical and emotional .

According to natural laws all energy does a pendulum swing between opposites, the day turns into night and night into day, the heat alternating with cold, noise with silence, sweet and salty, the inside to the outside , the above with below.

In terms of Yin and Yang ( from the point of view of Oriental Medicine) Health is defined as a balance between yin and yang and disease is the result of a deficiency (yin) or excess (yang), one of these two forces disharmony.

Survival is based on the body's ability
to adapt to changing situations and maintain balance.but the equilibrium is an unstable position therefore must be kept in constant readjustment .
These concepts acquired great popularity when applied to food by George Ohsawa , who in the late 40s and during the 50s , he began giving talks on nutrition and health in Europe and the United States.
Of Japanese origin, in severely ill adolescent health and recovery through treatment of a doctor who apply nutritional principles of yin and yang, thereby increasing the harmony between human beings and the cosmos , considering the patient globally as a unique being.
From this experience Ohsawa studies and graduate from medical in France and dedicated all his life to spreading the discipline and power that had healed.
Grounded these principles in philosophy and Eastern medicine in which all of nature is part of a whole, and no phenomenon is independent of the other is based on everything is constantly changing or moving.
The contraction (yang) and the expansion (yin), exist in all things complementing permanently.
In foods can perceive various forms of energy, the internal energy is transformed all the time as a direct result of what we consume .

Based on centuries of experience, Chinese medicine has developed an understanding of the use of food, exercise, herbs and other specifics to maintain our health and restore our vitality.
We can develop new eating habits to have a more balanced life, the choice of food makes a difference.
The foods we eat every day, are the main contributor to our bodies and our spirits are relaxed, expanded and well-founded, or too rigid, heavy and contractions .
There are three basic types of energy in food :
  1. extremely contracted (yang )
  2. extremely expansive (yin ) 
  3. relatively balanced
Our mind and body are in need of balance

Extreme foods undergo excessive stress to the body and mind. Foods that by their nature are highly concentrated energy (yang) as meat, eggs , hard cheeses , salt, etc. This produced in the body a very concentrated form of heat that the digestive organs should strive to decompose during digestion and assimilate .
These foods concentrated forms of extreme reactions leading us cause us to need food at the other end (yin ) as sweets, alcohol , coffee, spices , so that the body can release that energy and balance so focused internally .
If we eat food all the time ends throw the body and mind to a constant effort wears adjustment and weakening the energy capacity of the organs.
Our body and mind need a balance centralized and will strive to achieve. Not the same thing in life standing on a seesaw with one foot on each end , to be installed with their feet at some central point maintaining a balance with less effort.

Eating foods throws the body ends and humor to the imbalance .

You can evaluate if your diet is too expansionary or too contradiction listening to your own mood.

If you feel :
  • with sleepiness;
  • with lack of will;
  • too concerned;
  • too sensitive,
  • surely you eat too many fruits, chocolate, sugar (yin )

Sometimes it is good to read and get ideas for healthier eating other cultures or diets. I recommend you read this article about macrobiotic food.

My version for Vietnamese Soup

I love making this fabulous Vietnamese soup at home is not hard. 

  • 2 medium onion
  • 1 scallion
  • 2 grated carrots 
  • 2 medium broccoli
  • 2 stem of celery
  • 2 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • Water
  • Lime
  • Basil
  • Soy
  • To start with the soup, heat olive oil over medium heat in a large iron skilled or heavy saucepan
  • Add onion, carrot, scallion, sugar and salt
  • Saute until onion and carrot is tender, approximately 5 minutes
  • Add the onion, carrot, scallion, broccoli to the pot with boiling water for about 15 minutes
  • If you like to add chicken or beef I recommend to heat in a large iron skilled or heavy saucepan for about 6 minutes  with little salt and next add to boiling water with vegetables for 15 minutes.
  • If you like to add tofu I recommend to heat in a large iron skilled or heavy saucepan for about 6 minutes with little olive oil, soy sauce and salt for 15 minutes. Tofu is added in the top of the cup when you serve only to make it more crispy
  • The noodles are added at the end because it will dissolve as they are very thin. Is very easy to find find noodles at Asian markets. You only need to immerse the noodles into the soup for about 10 seconds before server. Check the package for specific directions.
  • Server the soup wit lime, basil and soy

  • You can add or remove water promptly let the texture you want to give
  • The same soup can be made with beef or chicken during cooking
  • This soup can last about a week in the refrigerator in a closed container


Welcome to Cooking with Veronica. I'm a blogger in Virginia. 
After years I decides create this Blog to share tips and techniques and teach people about all the cooking secrets.

Salad Tips

I'm writing some tips to change any salad you want to do.
1) I like the quinoa because is very natural and healthy and easy to cook. Some benefits are that is antioxidant, high in protein, fiber and calcium, Riboflavin which helps to stimulate your metabolism and reduce the risk of Type 2 Diabetes. An easy way to eat quinoa is add it to the salad.

How can I cook Quinoa:
Option 1: 
Quinoa is cooked for 20 minutes on low heat, with double the water until it is consumed. Allow to cool. (The beans are a little transparent)

Option 2: Video Cook Quinoa

2) Also you can add dried fruits like almonds and walnuts, depending on the salad

3) Add croutons or nachos. Croutons are easy to make and you can use any type of bread baked, olive oil and other seasonings to election.

4) Adding Linseed improves the quality of hair, nails, and skin, helps to regulate body weight, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, and prevents arthritis and cancers.